Protect your site with Drupal Advances
Has anyone ever heard of Turnitin while in college? A web-based application to spot plagiarism in every written material by using technology to search through massive database to support academic integrity.
Beyond college in a world full of lies and fallacious, we could only wish for a tool to detect fake news.
Sooner or later there will, yet at the moment our society is still facing a challenge of misinformation and digital falsehoods and technology can only fix an existing issue. But does not providing a cure to its root.
Good news is businesses built on complex and content heavily Content Management System (CMS) such as Drupal now able to prevent such spams and unidentified sources using Drupal security modules available at choice.
In-arguably, Drupal has been known as the most well developed CMS and the least acquired vulnerability compared to others
As shown in chart below, Drupal has a decreasing frequent of virus attacks over the years.

Countless modules ran by Drupal such ad Login Security, Captcha Module, Security Kit, Password Policy, to name a few.
Recommended by most of Drupal users, having installed the above modules is the minimum attributes of your Drupal site’s protection.

Recently in the news, Drupal successfully launched Drupal 9.0, make it even easier for non-tech users like Marketer, Designer to perform their tasks well, and at the same time, keep the performance highly efficient. Some significant updates suggested by include:
A dramatic upgrades of layout builder, WYSIWYG media management system and content workflow tools to help users make use of Drupal’s robust technical architecture more easier.
Regular updates on new features delivered continuously to keep your Drupal site at the most innovative web.
Stay up to date Drupal’s upgrades, the platform has promised users to never have to worry about a major re-platforming because Drupal now has back them all up.
As a result, Drupal is one of very few CMS platforms that has stayed relevant for 20 years, says Dries Buytaert, founder and project lead of Drupal.
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